Our Facilities

Our Facilities

The Centre is equipped with a State-of-the-art experimental hydrodynamics testing facility, mordern classrooms, a mechanical laboratory and a well equipped library. 

 Modern Classrooms

 Hydrodynamic Laboratory

 Mechanical Laboratory

Hydrodynamics Laboratory

Hydrodynamics Laboratory

The hydrodynamic laboratory contains facilities and equipment for testing of models of ships, floating and fixed offshore structures, and subsea/submarine facilities. It consists of a towing tank with wavemaker, and beach and is equipped with a precision gantry towing carriage system with the capability for testing a wide range of model sizes and types.

The towing carriage can either tow the model or follow the self-propelled model and is equipped with computers and devices to register or control, variables such as speed, propeller thrust and torque, rudder angle etc. It is one of the most modern among the very few hydrodynamics laboratory facilities in Africa. Crafts are tested under various operating conditions to assist in the proper design and operations of these objects and systems.

A model test is presently a standard requirement for the validation of new ship designs or conversion. Towing tanks are therefore considered one of the most important experimental facilities in Marine and Offshore Engineering practice. The capabilities of the Towing tank are as follows:

  • Resistance and propulsion tests of ship models
  • Open water testing of propellers and propulsion systems
  • Ship Motion (i.e., Seakeeping) tests in head and following seas
  • Testing Seakeeping and towing operations of offshore structures
  • Testing of various types of structures – Towed arrays – Deflectors for seismic surveys
  • Manoeuvring testing of Torpedoes and Hydrofoil systems
  • Stability Testing of Marine Crafts
  • Coupled Vessel/FPSO, Mooring and Riser Systems Motion Testing in Waves
  • Subsea Pipelines and risers Testing
  • Floating Wave Energy Generation/Conversion Systems testing
  • Testing of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) under simulated operating conditions
  • Submarine Vehicles/Structures Testing

Marine Laboratory

 Marine Laboratory

The hydrodynamic laboratory contains facilities and equipment for testing of models of ships, floating and fixed offshore structures, and subsea/submarine facilities. It consists of a towing tank with wavemaker, and beach and is equipped with a precision gantry towing carriage system with the capability for testing a wide range of model sizes and types. Different types of practical, research experiments, testing and calibrations are conducted here.

Mechanical Laboratory

The main divisions of the mechanical laboratory are the thermos-fluid unit, Theory of Machines, Mechatronics, and Material testing and instrumentation. Simulators, prototypes of engines, machines and systems are available for academic demonstration. Students experience a real-life simulation of the operating conditions of machinery, maritime systems, and the environment. Workshops with lathes, milling, grinding, forming, CNC cutting, and printing machines are integrated to facilitate fabrication and maintenance.

Mechanical laboratory

Committed To Excellence In Education.